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Wishdrawals Kids\' Blog Series: Preschooler Reports on Toy Story Land

Sara Kate with Buzz Lightyear

    1. What is your name and how old are you? 

           Sarah Kate Guice, 5 years old

    2. What is your favorite area in Hollywood Studios?

           Toy Story Land

    3. Why do you like your favorite area? Because I like 

           riding Slinky Dog Dash

    4. Are there any good characters to meet there? 

           Buzz,  Jessie, Woody and sometimes the Green Army     Men

    5. What is your favorite ride Toy Story Land?

           Slinky Dog Dash

    6. What do you like about it? My favorite part is the bumpy bumps (small hills close together) and when you stop and shoot off fast!

Meeting Woody and Jessie!

7. What is your next favorite ride in Toy Story Land? Alien Swirling Saucers, I love when it swings me around!

8. In your family, who gets the best scores on Toy Story Mania? Mommy (said with disappointment)

9. Have you eaten at Woody’s Lunchbox? If so, what do you think? Would you tell another kid to eat there for a good lunch? My favorite food is Babybel cheese, and they have that there!

10.What ride in Toy Story Land has the longest line? Definitely Slinky Dog Dash–one time the line was out of the entire Toy Story Land!

11.What is the best way to experience the ride? Should we make a FastPass for it or just get in line? Do we need to ride it first thing in the morning? Definitely get a FastPass or set your alarm REALLY early! I can’t wait to ride Slinky over and over with a special morning pass for Spring Break!

12.Is there anything scary in Slinky Dog Dash? No, I love it!

13.Would you tell other elementary kids to ride your favorite ride? Yes, because it’s the best ride EVER!

14.What else do you want to tell people about Toy Story Land and why it’s so great? Everyone should go there because Toy Story Land is the best thing in the world!

Sara Kate and her Mommy riding Slinky Dog Dash–the best thing in the world!

 About Our Guest Blogger:

Sarah Kate Guice is 6 years old and in Kindergarten. She has been to Disney World seven times and has sailed on the Disney Fantasy. Her hobbies include gymnastics, engineering things with lots of tape, and art. 

She lives in Georgia with her mom, dad and 2 cats with very creative names, Boy Kitty and Girl Kitty.



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